No need to explain yourself! =D
Just do you, which you're clearly good at doing, I fucks wit this beatchu get hurr.
No need to explain yourself! =D
Just do you, which you're clearly good at doing, I fucks wit this beatchu get hurr.
I'm REALLY fuckin with that SWIING!!!
Ichiraku Ramen needs to have this as a menu selection theme lmao, it makes me
wanna buy everything on the menu
thank man
I demand moar...
This could easily find it's way in a nightclub fight scene. Or a creeping scenem FRESH ass loop.
Newgrounds missed you duke!
Thanks, man. Sorry for the hiatus -- I'll start cranking again soon.
This is dope but I think the reverb takes away from the raw energy it has
Try EQ? You can add some serious color to shit that way
thanks i will eq it a bit. gracias
I see you Mop! On some mad scientist shit. I fucks with this heavy, the groove, the vocals. That ending got me tho, Not gonna say when it starts so people gotta look for it, but the man ain't lyin. Wait for the shit.
Matta fact, to those that read this, you should be noddin all the way through, but when you get to the switch... OOH! Stank face will hit you... Reminds me of "What Does Your Soul Look Like" on some Dj Shadow shit.
I'm ded now Mop... What have you done to me.
This is fuckin nasty... Like diarhhea diaper saute'd in ancient sewage and broiled in diseased fluids nasty.
Thanks Boullie. :)
lmao this is some straight up heat, I'ma dl the jown and see how it bumps in the car, but from here everything sounds cool save for some elements being muddled and chillin in the cut.
I can hear everything, but I can't help finding myself wondering how the whole thing would change if certain sounds popped out more. and when the bass comes in it sounds like it takes the forefront so it ends filling so much front space and the back is left undisturbed.
But what if they shared the front? Would they conflict? Would they play together nicely? I don't know.
Whatever you choose to do, I'm all for this, as it has my 5's and favorites. Waitin on dat EP doooe!
lmao! EW NI66A STOP!!! That caught me, I'm ded.
Strings came in a lil strong, that's my only beef.
In the end, this is personal. I post some of it cause... well... I like talkin bout/sharin/listening to/discovering/etc. beats! Tell me how you feel tho. I've really grown from this community's honesty
Joined on 7/10/11