Previews are sounding live, there's much more breath this time around
infinity my dude, dadamnting dope
Previews are sounding live, there's much more breath this time around
infinity my dude, dadamnting dope
Sounds like the samplers are going to war
real message with substantial truths to it.
All of what we know is built on the shoulders of giants, and nature is the illest sampler
we've ever encountered.
Wish more people knew the joys of sampling
Can't fathom this getting less than a 5
I hope this makes front page, real talk
Thank you for sharing
Vocals and the beat ain't dancing well cause the vocals are too loud, sticking to the right side of the mix too, makes it kinda jjarring.
Lyrically you have some bars that made me smile lol whether cause some shit as funny or some shit was dope, but some lines weren't hittin with me, stretching words out in a rhyme is a waste of beat! and it's a dope one too! Use ALL O DAT SHIT! XD
Couple things listed above but don't get it twisted, the shit bumps nice type. Good hustle Kenhandra
Thank you so much for the feedback.
This is soooo fuckin blastable!
All that energy, your switch ups are dope too.
I'm a fan
You need to let this rock your trunk
Funk with some playful ass instruments. This is some happy day, finally out the box, freedom shit.
whats good with the help call
Looking for some inspiration. I feel like i haven't been able to get any tracks down or finish them really. This one is right where it is sounds ok i guess, not really sure where to take it.
It's the theme song for the most indomitably happy mufucka I've never met!
FINISH! or don't it's cool... Just post something else!
It's been really hard to do anything lately, I'll try to finish it though!
In the end, this is personal. I post some of it cause... well... I like talkin bout/sharin/listening to/discovering/etc. beats! Tell me how you feel tho. I've really grown from this community's honesty
Joined on 7/10/11