Okay. This is nasty. Totally unexpected production quality and audial chemistry. Ya'll killed it!
Okay. This is nasty. Totally unexpected production quality and audial chemistry. Ya'll killed it!
Thank you! That about summed up my feelings too. :)
Yeah this is my kind of vibe. Subtle power wit it. Good chemistry with the sounds
Thanks boss. I try.
Must. Sample.
I'm glad you enjoyed it! (:
Aw no download?? I really wanted to sample that first sound that comes in too...
This just tells me that I really need to explore the Ambient work around here more though. This was cool to sit through
Thanks man I offer downloads on my website...I'll add this track in the coming week.
Daamn this is chockful of goodiess!! You changed the style up for this one. It's very different from your usual. I'm thankful for this journey
Haha, thanks, man! Glad you dig it. It's a little unusual for several reasons: 1, Logic instead of FL, 2 it was for a class instead of goofing off so I had parameters to fit and whatnot, but I think it came out pretty well.
and NG was never the same again.
not anymore man...
Didn't realize this was a loop for the loooongest time lol. This isn't a vibe I could say no to. I love these airy types of beats. So much clarity to em, makes imagining peace within the mind no task at all.
Thanks for the vibes homiiiie!
No, thank you! Clarity is good. I struggle against clutter.
Kind of upset I missed this when It hd been released. Could've used it's presence
Fo' real! I feel you.
Fell in love with this thanks to Picollage...
You make me want to step my synth game up in a major way. This thing is painted so beautifully
Thank you so much : D I'm glad you liked it. You are cool.
The feels
I finally figured out how to do live audio processing with FL, so I grabbed the midi keyboard and did some live auto-tune crooning with it. It was kinda improvised. If I had more time, I would've ironed out the melody a bit, but I like that weird cool harmony part in the middle.
Apparently FL has an ASIO driver that makes everything sound magical, and makes latency issues disappear. Shit's not a pain to type in anymore. Is that what you use? This whole time I've been using my primary sound driver which was probably doodooberries. I dunno. Glad you dig the track, man.
In the end, this is personal. I post some of it cause... well... I like talkin bout/sharin/listening to/discovering/etc. beats! Tell me how you feel tho. I've really grown from this community's honesty
Joined on 7/10/11